
Our counseling staff is committed to providing the support students need to succeed.

Our counseling staff include: 

Melee VanderVelde, Counselor for Last Names A - K, 360-582-3664, [email protected]

Sarah Thorson, Counselor for Last Names L-Z, 360-582-3663
[email protected]

Sarah Brooks, Career and College Counselor 360-582-3611
[email protected]

Gina Lepisto, Registrar   360-582-3613
[email protected]

Students may have a walk-in appointment with the counselors before school, during lunches, or after school. If students need to see them at other times, they may email their counselors to set up an appointment to meet. During class time, all students must come with a hall pass to see a counselor.

Our office hours are 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Counseling Phone: 360-582-3613

CEEB Code: 481185
SAT Registration Site Code: 48-291
ACT Registration Site Code: 167880