SHS Library's Vision, Mission and Goals


VISION: To assist students in attaining knowledge and skills to become information literate, accomplished readers, independent learners, critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, informed citizens, and to become full members of the learning community.

MISSION: To ensure that all students and staff are effective users and producers of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished

  • By providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats.
  • By providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas
  • By working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students.


  • Standard 1: The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively.
  • Standard 2: The student who is information literate evaluates information critically and competently.
  • Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively.

WLA/OSPI Essential Skills for Information Literacy Benchmarks

  • Skill 1: The student recognizes the topic, problem, or question independently.
  • Skill 2: The student constructs strategies for locating information.
  • Skill 3: The student locates and accesses information.
  • Skill 4: The student evaluates and extracts information.
  • Skill 5: The student organizes and applies information.
  • Skill 6: The student evaluated the process and product.


  • Standard 4: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and pursues information related to personal interests.
  • Standard 5: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and appreciates literature and other creative expressions of information.
  • Standard 6: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and strives for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation.


  • Standard 7: The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and recognizes the importance of information to a democratic society.
  • Standard 8: The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and practices ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology.
  • Standard 9: The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information.

All above information is adapted from Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. Copyright © 1998 American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology.


  • The school library functions as an information, reading, and technology center as well as a service provider for students, faculty, and community members.


  • Teacher: teach essential information and technology skills.
  • Collaborator: provide effective leadership by working collaboratively with faculty, administration, parents, and the community.
  • Reading Advocate: provide reading guidance and promotion.
  • Chief Information Officer: provide information and technology services, systems, resources, and facilities.

GOALS: The goals in the library are

  • To provide intellectual and physical access to information through integrated learning activities and through a collection of diverse learning resources.
  • To provide learning experiences that encourage students and others to become discriminating consumers and skilled creators of information.
  • To provide leadership, collaboration, and assistance to teachers in applying instruction of information technology.
  • To provide resources and activities that contribute to lifelong learning.
  • To provide a program that functions as the information center of the school.
  • To provide resources and activities for learning that represent a diversity of experiences, opinions, and social and cultural perspectives and to support the concept of intellectual freedom (Information Power 1998).