· Students need to bring paper and pencil every day. Hats, food, drinks and poor attitudes must be left at the door.
· Cell phones and other electronic devices need to be off and out of sight. Cell phones that are answered (ringing or texting) will be turned in to the cell phone box. The student may retrieve the device at the end of the period. The student will then be expected to turn the cell phone in to the “safe” from that day forth, until the end of the semester. Lack of adherence to this policy will result in a referral.
· Students are expected to be in their own seat when the bell rings. If the student is not physically sitting in the seat, he/she will be marked tardy. Six tardies (by school policy) results in a referral.
· All project work is expected to be completed at a passing level. Any work not completed at a passing level (60% or higher) may need to be redone until it meets minimal passing standards.
· All work needs to be turned in on time for full credit. The student’s grade will be lowered by 10% for each day the assignment is late.
· All work must be student’s own work. Unless specifically stated otherwise, any work turned in for a grade must be individually completed. Any material used from other sources for project work must be properly cited. Cheating and plagiarism are unacceptable resulting in a failing grade for the assignment. If a student cheats and/or plagiarizes two or more times during their foreign language classes, the student may earn a 0% for the quarter in which the second incident occurred.
· Students need to make-up work missed due to an absence. Students can get assignments from fellow students, check the classroom posting, check the teacher web page or meet with the teacher the following morning. If the student is absent he/she receives one additional day to complete the assignment for each day of absence.
Regular attendance is considered a high priority in this class. Attendance and participation are related to the instructional goals and objectives of this particular course because much of the course content comes from non-book related activities. We use a tremendous amount of Total Physical Response activities, which can not be replicated outside of class. Further, it is difficult to practice speaking, listening and pronunciation activities outside of class time.
In addition to the above, students who miss class lose essential instruction. It is important for students to participate in all our activities as well as the benefit that other students gain from your participation. ATTENDANCE IS CRITICAL FOR SUCCESS IN THIS COURSE.
Please note: Students who miss many class periods will frequently struggle to understand material and achieve the level of learning and grade desired. Even school related absences can often have a significant negative impact on a student’s foreign language understanding and grade as the content missed can not be replicated well outside of class time. Students are expected to report to the room at 7:45 on the day returning from an excused absence to discuss ways in which to learn the missed material. Asking for make-up work during class time is not acceptable. Frequently, alternate types of assignments will need to be given.
Grading Standards:
All assignments will be graded according to the state suggested assessment criteria.
93%+ A
90-92% A-
87-89% B+
83-86% B
80-82% B-
77-79% C+
73-76% C
70-72% C-
67-69% D+ may recommend to retake class
60-67% D may recommend to retake class
Below 60% F no credit earned
Homework is important in the retention of a foreign language. It will almost always be a review of learned material, given to practice and reinforce concepts and vocabulary. Often it will be the instruction to develop or use a tangible strategy to practice vocabulary or conjugations. It is often self selected from a menu of choices. The purpose is to provide a specific framework for studying and reviewing. Students are welcome to ask questions about specific problems or check answers themselves the following day.
Grade Weights:
Unannounced quizzes/tests: 70 %
Projects/homework/classwork: 20%
Speaking ONLY Spanish every day all period: 10%
There are a couple of critical factors in earning high grades in this foreign language class. The first is to acquire all the information presented. “Cramming” for a test in Spanish is not effective. All quizzes and all tests are cumulative. Vocabulary from the day one lesson may appear on the day 150 quiz. Material must be learned and retained from the first day of the first class in the first year to the last day of the last class in the final year. Flashcards are very helpful.
Second, the student must actively participate both in and out of class. To earn an A in the participation (aka speaking) area, a student must
- Act in the lessons and/or answer the teacher posed questions during the lessons
- Appear enthusiastic during instructional time
- Smile
- Make eye contact
- Nod
- Make positive, appropriate suggestions
- Ohhhh…..oh me oh my……….mmmmmmmm comments
- Speak Spanish in the class
- Attempt to speak Spanish with Profesora outside of class
- Pay attention during class (know the answer in Spanish when called)
- Provide proof of practicing non-assigned Spanish outside of class
In the interest of promoting mastery of Spanish at the intermediate level, most quizzes/tests/major projects (though a different form) may be retaken to earn a higher grade up until the last day of a quarter. Major projects and tests are expected to be completed at a 70 per cent or higher. Participation related grades can not be “retaken.”
Supplies Requested:
1. pencil or pen
2. college ruled paper
3. three ring binder specifically for Spanish
4. Spanish and English Dictionary
5. flashcards for vocab/structure practice
Study Skills:
Students are expected to learn and practice appropriate study skills while in a foreign languages class. At all times, students need to maintain a binder with tabs, showing all of their work and studies. Participation points, quizzes, and study skills will all be maintained in the binder.
Support Provided:
Student success is important to me and to the class. I am available to work with students every morning from 7:40until 8:15 and every afternoon until 3:15. Additionally, I remain in my room at least one lunch period per week to help students. If none of these times work, other arrangements can be made.